Dr. Hamed Aliyari: Keynote Speaker of the 7th International Conference on Computer Games; Challenges and Opportunities (CGCO’2022) Posted on:2022-02-02 Dr. Hamed Aliyayari, member of the Center for Human-Engaged Computing and assistant professor of Kochi University of Technology, Japan, is of the keynote speakers at CGCO’2022. Dr. Aliyari has been graduated in Electrical Engineering from the University of Tehran, and is the co-founder of NeuroGame Research Lab and NeuroEon, and has a lot of research on the effect of video games on human brain. At CGCO’2022, Hamed will talk about his latest achievements at NeuroEon. Title: NeuroEon: A Novel Scheme of Cognitive Training with AI and VR for Cognitive Purposes in Older Adults Abstract: Aging is not only accompanied by increased risk of developing physical impairments and diseases, but also by an inevitable decline in the level of cognitive skills including memory function, attention, processing speed, problem solving, etc. This cognitive decline occurs with a higher pace as people age, resulting in a faster and deeper deterioration in older adults’ cognitive skills. The resulting symptoms are often not treated (as they are unobservable) until they accompany a severe issue or disease diagnosis, ranging from forgetfulness, stressfulness, high blood pressure and depression to MCI, Dementia, MS, Parkinson’s …, at which time treatments are typically inadequate to address the declines. A possible solution is using computerized cognitive training to either slow decline or enhance cognitive abilities. However, as exciting as the promise of such cognitive training, the growing commercial industry has been criticized due to the mixed results across research studies on the topic. The key limitation is the extent to which training of tasks traditionally used in cognitive assessment transfer to real-world activities that challenge cognition. The introduction of video games to cognitive training, as well as virtual reality (VR), provide opportunity to embed challenges that better mimic reality due to the immersion and can result in more motivating training. Further using AI enables personalization of challenges, and potentially greater effectiveness. In NeuroEon, we have designed and developed a unique AI for introducing the best customized cognitive enhancement solution for older adults providing prescriptions from a range of carefully designed VR-based cognitive training games. The results of our studies indicate great performance increase in improving cognitive skills and delaying the inevitable cognitive decline in older adults in comparison to conventional cognitive training games. The slides of the presentation can be found here and the video is available here. Back