A panel entitled “Exergames; the novel intersection of sports and video games” will be held at CGCO’2022. Posted on:2022-02-02 The panel will bring together experts from Singapore, Netherlands and Iran to discuss the various dimensions of exergames. The panelists are 1) René Luigies, the general manager of the Games for Health Europe, the leading professional community and organization in the field of applied health games, who will join us from Netherland. 2) Professor Theng Yin Leng, the director at the Centre of Healthy and Sustainable Cities (CHESS) at the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, and Research Director at the Research Strategy and Coordination Unit (President’s Office), Nanyang Technological University (NTU, Singapore). Dr. Theng will join us from Singapore. 3) Hesam Sakian Mohammadi, a faculty member and also a lecturer on Immersive Technologies, Game Development, Programming and Machine Learning at Faculty of Multimedia, Tabriz Islamic Art University, Tabriz, Iran. Hesam is also the director of a multimedia company, which won the prize for the best serious game in iran in SeGap’2020. Hesam will host this panel. The panel is entitled “Exergames; the novel intersection of sports and video games”. The main topic of the panel is free discussion about the nature of exergames, the new opportunities appeared in this field (for health, exercise, treatment, welfare, and so on), the challenges of validation and commercialization of these games, and similar topics. The participants also talk about the new products they have been engaged in design or validation or commercialization in the field of exergames. The video of the panel is available here. Back